Tuesday, February 4, 2014


As a new Animal Communicator my views on animals have altered dramatically. Although I have always been an avid animal lover, it wasn't until I learned to speak to them that I really grasped the amount that animals give us. It is this gift that has inspired me to start this specific blog.

I have another blog that I started for a school assignment, but recent (hilarious) events had me updating my blog with the intent to keep it up. 
To read that blog click here. As I am assuming you have read, I don't go to bars often. Because I don't want to blog about two different things on the same blog, I decided to start this one for the sole purpose of blogging about animals.

 I have extremely strong opinions on most things animals. From nutrition, to care, to breeders/rescuing. I took a job in a pet store to educate people more about animal care, but realized soon after that people really don't expect pet store employees to know what they are talking about...and usually they are right. Just because I care doesn't mean everyone cares.

This blog will give me the opportunity to write about the things I care about, and that drive me crazy...and only those who want to read it, will. I am hoping to update it often, but have a fairly busy schedule which includes school. I imagine my first actual blog will be about nutrition...raw vs kibble. I am still gathering accurate information on kibble to make an educated post.

I hope my blogs will educate and help people understand the complex world of animals. And remember, if you are hearing voices in your head, it doesn't mean you are schizophrenic. 

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